GIGA Event

New Perspectives in Peace and Conflict Studies

Virtual Workshop of GIGA Research Programme "Peace and Security"



Screenshot of a "Date overview" from the workshop "New Perspectives in Peace and Conflict"
© GIGA / Belén González

  • What was originally planned as a two-days workshop at the GIGA, in cooperation with Uppsala University, has been turned into a virtual workshop. This event will discuss new perspectives in peace and conflict studies relating to autocracies and sanctions, peace processes, and democracy and religion. Scholars from the GIGA, University of Göttingen, University of Tübingen and Uppsala University will present their papers. The GIGA Research Programme “Peace and Security” examines peace and conflict processes in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, and investigates international violence and security trends. In three research teams, the Peace and Security Programme scholars study (1) how social identities and ideology intensify or reduce insecurity and conflict; (2) which institutional arrangements (such as power-sharing governments, security sector reforms, transitional justice arrangements) help to promote peace; and (3) how external actors affect peace and conflict dynamics, as well as the security implications of their interventions at the local, national, regional, and international levels.


    Online event



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