
From Crisis to Resilience ‒ How Can We Link Recovery, Sustainability, and Trade?




09:00 Uhr (UTC)

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  • The Embassy of New Zealand, in cooperation with the GIGA, is organising a panel discussion titled "From Crisis to Resilience ‒ How Can We Link Recovery, Sustainability, and Trade?".

    As part of the "European Sustainable Development Week", the German Federal Foreign Office coordinates a series of events under the title "Diplomacy for Sustainability". Together with participating embassies and partner organisations, the aim is to send a strong and united statement for sustainable development and to highlight the importance of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

    Hosted by New Zealand Ambassador Rupert Holborow, we together welcome the panel Vangelis Vitalis, Professor Amrita Narlikar, and Dr. Markus Gehring.

    Welcome and Chair:


    • Vangelis Vitalis is Deputy Secretary, Trade and Economic, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and Chief Negotiator for the New Zealand-EU FTA negotiations.

    • Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar is President of the GIGA and Professor of International Relations at the University of Hamburg.

    • Dr. Markus Gehring is University Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge.

    In support of “SDG 17 Partnerships: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development”, this panel will tackle some of the difficult questions around trade and sustainability that have been brought into stark focus by the coronavirus pandemic. We will explore the role of international cooperation as a way out of the COVID-19 crisis, and how trade and trade agreements help with sustainable development, how we can ensure economic recovery is sustainably designed, making international supply chains more resilient.


    Online event



    Video Event "From Crisis to Resilience ‒ How Can We Link Recovery, Sustainability, and Trade?"
    © GIGA
    Video From Crisis to Resilience ‒ How Can We Link Recovery, Sustainability, and Trade? on 22. September 2020

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