
Engaging in the Indo-Pacific

German and South Korean Views



German Navy Frigate Bayern docked at International Cruise Terminal in Tokyo
© imago images / ZUMA Wire

  • The East Asia Institute (EAI), Seoul, and the GIGA co-hosted a seminar titled “Engaging in the Indo-Pacific: German and South Korean Views” on 6 July 2022 at the East Asia Institute conference hall. The panellists held an in-depth discussion on the vision for the Indo-Pacific region, measures for German-South Korean cooperation, and both countries’ strategies for engagement.

    The event formed the midway point of a Korea Foundation-sponsored policy-oriented research project “Engaging the Indo-Pacific: German and Korean Perspectives on Regional Cooperation”.

    Video Engaging in the Indo-Pacific (Patrick Köllner)
    Engaging in the Indo-Pacific (Patrick Köllner)

    Engaging in the Indo-Pacific (Johannes Plagemann)
    Engaging in the Indo-Pacific (Johannes Plagemann)

    Engaging in the Indo-Pacific (Christian Wirth)
    Engaging in the Indo-Pacific (Christian Wirth)


    East Asia Institute, Seoul (Korea), Seoul



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    Forschungsprojekt | 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022

    Engaging the Indo-Pacific: German and Korean Perspectives on Regional Cooperation

    A policy-oriented research project bringing together the GIGA and the East Asia Institute in Seoul. The project aims at analysing German/EU and Korean strategies for Indo-Pacific engagement and identifying areas for in-depth consultation, coordination and cooperation.
    Korea Foundation, 2022

    Prof. Dr. Sook-Jong Lee

    Prof. Dr. Yul Sohn

    Prof. Dr. Chaesung Chun


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