
“A Multilateralism for the People”: International Launch of Germany’s White Paper on Multilateralism




16:00 Uhr (UTC)


17:30 Uhr (UTC)

Illustration of the event invitation
© Shutterstock / GIGA

  • The German Federal Cabinet has recently approved the country’s first White Paper on Multilateralism which sets out for the first time the scope of Germany’s multilateral engagement and its importance for the international order. It also describes ways in which the multilateral order can be revitalised and adapted to the conditions of the 21st century.

    On that note, together with GPPi we organise the launch of the English-language version of this White Paper, with a view to facilitating a global conversation on the urgent question of reforming multilateralism to meet current and future challenges.

    Key representatives of three federal German ministries will elaborate on aspects of multilateral policies as outlined in the White Paper followed by a comment from Ottilia Maunganidze.

    Tuesday, 6 July 2021 | 4:00‒5:30 p.m. (CET)

    Panelists: Sebastian Groth, Head of Policy Planning, Federal Foreign Office Christine Toetzke, Director for European Union and multilateral development policy at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Axel Ristau, Rear Admiral, Chief of Division Security Policy II, Federal Ministry of Defence Ottilia Maunganidze, Head of Special Projects, ISS South Africa

    The event will be hosted by GIGA President Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar and GPPi Director Thorsten Benner. Guests will receive access to the English-language version of the White Paper prior to the event.

    From the White Paper (German version): 

    “The White Paper on Multilateralism aims to counter reservations about the multilateral order and to show how diverse and indispensable multilateral cooperation is in practice. For the first time, the range of the Federal Republic's multilateral engagement is bundled here and explained in terms of its significance for the international order. At the same time, the White Paper describes ways to renew the multilateral order and adapt it to the conditions of the 21st century. Strengthening multilateralism is a global challenge with many construction sites - and Germany is ready to tackle them. […]

    The White Paper on Multilateralism is the result of an intensive dialogue with national and international experts from academia and civil society, members of the German Bundestag and within the Federal Government. This discussion is by no means concluded with the presentation of this White Paper. Because "Together for the People" also means working continuously with all interested actors on a multilateralism that is fit for the future.”

    The English version is now available here.

    Video "International Launch of Germany’s White Paper on Multilateralism"
    © GIGA
    Video of the International Launch of Germany’s White Paper on Multilateralism on 06. June 2021

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