Sinan Chu

Whither Chinese IR? The Sinocentric Subject and the Paradox of Tianxia-ism

International Theory | 2022

  • Beyond the “Chinese School”: Mapping the Evolution and Diversity of Chinese IR Scholarship on East Asia, 1978-2018
    ISA Annual Convention 2025
    Interlocution: A Nondual Methodology to Disrupt the Non-Western National Self

    Konferenz | 27.08.2024 - 31.08.2024

    Interlocution: A Nondual Methodology to Disrupt the Non-Western National Self

    17th EISA Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Lille Catholic University - Université Catholique de Lille , Lille Organisation: European International Studies Association Dr. Sinan Chu (Vortragende:r)

    Paper presentation at the panel "Global IR Research Methodology: Consolidating Nondualism"


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