Felix Haaß / Martin Ottmann

Profits from Peace. The Political Economy of Power-Sharing and Corruption

World Development | 2017

  • Dr. Felix Haaß

    Dr. Felix Haaß

    Ehemals GIGA-Teammitglied

    Dr. Martin Ottmann

    Dr. Martin Ottmann

    Ehemals Associate

    Datensatz | 2017

    Replication Data for “Profits from Peace: The Political Economy of Power-Sharing and Corruption”

    Does power-sharing drive corruption in post-conflict countries? We conceptualize government elites in any post-conflict situation as rent-seeking agents who need to ensure the support of their…


    Dr. Martin Ottmann

    Ehemals Associate

    Dr. Felix Haaß

    Ehemals GIGA-Teammitglied


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