German Institute for Global and Area Studies | Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien
Johannes Vüllers / Birte Pfeiffer / Matthias Basedau
International Interactions | 2015
International Interactions
Ehemals Associate
Ehemals GIGA-Teammitglied
Direktor des GIGA Instituts für Afrika-Studien / Redaktion GIGA Focus Afrika
GIGA Focus Afrika | 6/2017
Bernhard Kampmann
Auswärtiges Amt
Datensatz | 2015
Despite ample anecdotal evidence, previous research on violent conflict has found little evidence that religion is an important factor in organized violence. Quantitative work in this area has been…
Prof. Dr. Matthias Basedau
Dr. Birte Pfeiffer (geb. Pohl)
Dr. Johannes Vüllers
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