Michael Jakob / Jan Christoph Steckel / Stephan Klasen / Jann Lay / Nicole Grunewald / Immaculada Martinez-Zarzoso / Sebastian Renner / Otttmar Edenhofer

Feasible Mitigation Actions in Developing Countries

Nature Climate Change | 2014

  • Forschungsschwerpunkte


    Nature Climate Change





    Dr. Michael Jakob

    Dr. Michael Jakob

    Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change

    Jan Christoph Steckel

    Jan Christoph Steckel

    Prof. Dr. Stephan Klasen

    Prof. Dr. Stephan Klasen

    Nicole Grunewald

    Nicole Grunewald

    Immaculada Martinez-Zarzoso

    Immaculada Martinez-Zarzoso

    Otttmar Edenhofer

    Otttmar Edenhofer

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