German Institute for Global and Area Studies | Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien
Mariana Llanos / Cordula Tibi Weber / Charlotte Heyl / Alexander Stroh
GIGA Working Papers | 2014
GIGA Working Papers
German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)
Lead Research Fellow / Leitungsteam GIGA Institut für Lateinamerika-Studien (interim)
Ehemals Associate
Datensatz | 2016
The main dataset consists of interview data from a total of 117 semi-structured interviews, 45 of these were conducted with current or former supreme court or constitutional court judges. Further…
Prof. Dr. Mariana Llanos
Prof. Dr. Alexander Stroh
Dr. Charlotte Heyl
Dr. Cordula Tibi Weber
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