GIGA Focus International Edition

Stöbern Sie hier in unseren eingestellten GIGA-Focus-Reihen. Die GIGA Focus International Edition English wurde Ende 2015 ausgesetzt, die GIGA Focus International Edition Chinese im Jahr 2014. Ab 2016 erscheinen die Zusammenfassungen aller Ausgaben sowohl in deutscher als auch in englischer Sprache. 

GIGA Focus International Edition English

Provincial Autonomy: The Territorial Dimension of Peace in Mozambique 2015/10 (PDF)Buying Peace? The Political Economy of Power-Sharing 2015/09 (PDF)Brazil and the Durban Platform. Ambitions and Expectations 2015/08 (PDF)Quo Vadis Palestine? 2015/07 (PDF)The Nuclear Agreement with Iran: Successful Settling of an International Crisis 2015/06 (PDF)The Recalibration of the World and German Foreign Policy 2015/05 (PDF)Collective Self-Blockade? Why the UN Climate Conference in Paris Could Fail 2015/04 (PDF)The Ebola Outbreak in Comparison: Liberia and Côte d’Ivoire 2015/03 (PDF)Oligarch vs. Nationalist: Ukraine’s 2014 Parliamentary Elections 2015/02 (PDF)Who Votes for Islamist Parties – and Why? 2015/01 (PDF)ASEAN Civil Society under the Myanmar Chairmanship 2014/10 (PDF)Interim Governments: Short-Lived Institutions for Long-Lasting Peace 2014/09 (PDF)Rising Sino-Vietnamese Tensions in the South China Sea 2014/08 (PDF)Saudi Arabia Exporting Salafi Education and Radicalizing Indonesia’s Muslims 2014/07 (PDF)The Caliph’s New Clothes: The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria 2014/06 (PDF)GIGA Focus International Edition EN 2014/05 (PDF)South Africa’s Elections 2014: And the Winner is? 2014/04 (PDF)Microcredit and Business-Training Programs: Effective Strategies for Micro- and Small Enterprise Growth? 2014/03 (PDF)South Sudan’s Newest War: When Two Old Men Divide a Nation 2014/02 (PDF)Africa: Neither Hopeless Nor Rising 2014/01 (PDF)Think Tanks: The Quest to Define and to Rank Them 2013/10 (PDF)Syria: Power Sharing as an Alternative to Regional Conflagration 2013/09 (PDF)The Pacific Alliance Casts Its Cloud over Latin America 2013/08 (PDF)China in Latin America: Competition in the United States’ “Strategic Backyard” 2013/07 (PDF)Green Power and Performance in Global Environmental Governance 2013/06 (PDF)The Dragon in the Backyard: US Visions of China’s Relations toward Latin America 2013/05 (PDF)Go South! India “Discovers” Africa and Latin America 2013/04 (PDF)ASEAN–EU Relations: From Regional Integration Assistance to Security Significance? 2013/03 (PDF)The Comeback of the EU as a “Civilian Power” through the Arab Spring? 2013/02 (PDF)Youth as a Seismograph for Societal Problems 2013/01 (PDF)The Obama Administration and Latin America: A Disappointing First Term 2012/06 (PDF)The ISAF Withdrawal from Afghanistan: Perceptions and Reactions of Regional Powers 2012/05 (PDF)EU Relations with “Emerging” Strategic Partners: Brazil, India and South Africa 2012/04 (PDF)Myanmar: The Beginning of Reforms and the End of Sanctions 2012/03 (PDF)South Korea as a Global Actor: International Contributions to Development and Security 2012/02 (PDF)The Arab Spring: Triggers, Dynamics and Prospects 2012/01 (PDF)Think Tanks: Their Development, Global Diversity and Roles in International Affairs 2011/06 (PDF)Blocked Democracies in Central America 2011/05 (PDF)Turkey and the Arab Revolt: Rise or Decline in Regional Politics? 2011/04 (PDF)The EU’s Blue Card: Will It Attract Asia’s Highly Skilled? 2011/03 (PDF)Peace through Constitutional Amendment? Opportunities and Tendencies 2011/02 (PDF)The Decline of Europe and the US: Shifts in the World Economy and in Global Politics 2011/01 (PDF)Aftermath of the Sirte Summit: Arab-African Cooperation on the Upswing? 2010/06 (PDF)Cuba: On the Way to Market Socialism? 2010/05 (PDF)China and India — The New Growth Engines of the Global Economy? 2010/04 (PDF)Global Health, Aid Effectiveness and the Changing Role of the WHO 2010/03 (PDF)Bolivia: How Absolute is Morales’ Power? 2010/02 (PDF)Civilizing the World Order? The Scope and Potential of Transnational Norm-building Networks 2010/01 (PDF)Getting Off Lightly? The Impact of the International Financial Crisis on the Middle East and North Africa 2009/01 (PDF)


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