Sabine Otto / Adam Scharpf / Anita Gohdes

Dataset to Article: Capturing Group Alignments: Introducing the Government and Armed Actors Relations Dataset (GAARD)


  • Beschreibung

    Dataset to Article: Otto, Sabine, Adam Scharpf, and Anita Gohdes (2020), Capturing Group Alignments: Introducing the Government and Armed Actors Relations Dataset (GAARD), in: Research and Politics, October 2020, 1-8.



    Offen / ohne Registrierung

    Dr. Adam Scharpf

    Dr. Adam Scharpf

    Ehemals GIGA-Teammitglied

    Prof. Dr. Anita  Gohdes

    Prof. Dr. Anita Gohdes

    Hertie School of Governance


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