Christian Steiner / Thomas Richter / Sabine Dörry / Vera Neisen / Marcus Stephenson / Alberto F. Lemma / Johathan G. B. Mitchell

Economic Crisis, International Tourism Decline and its Impact on the Poor

Sammelband | World Tourism Organization | 2013

  • Christian Steiner

    Christian Steiner

    Sabine Dörry

    Sabine Dörry

    Vera Neisen

    Vera Neisen

    Marcus Stephenson

    Marcus Stephenson

    Alberto F. Lemma

    Alberto F. Lemma

    Overseas Development Institute

    Jonathan G. B.  Mitchell

    Jonathan G. B. Mitchell

    Third World Quarterly | 2008

    Politics, Economics and Tourism Development in Egypt: Insights into Sectoral Transformations of a Neo-Patrimonial Rentier State

    Christian Steiner

    GIGA Working Papers | 11.2007

    Sectoral Transformations in Neo-Patrimonial Rentier States: Tourism Development and State Policy in Egypt

    Christian Steiner


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