Sabine Kurtenbach / Selman Almohamad / Markus A. Kirchschlager

Regional Neighbourhoods Matter for Peacebuilding

Infografik | 2022

  • The Infographic "Regional Neighbourhoods Matter for Peacebuilding" shows the differences of convergent and divergent conflict formation.
    © GIGA / Marika Haustein 2022


    While the interaction between global and subnational or local dynamics is increasingly acknowledged the regional neighbourhood is rather neglected as an important intervening variable. The concept of “regional peace formations” either as an enabling or hindering factor for peacebuilding fills this gap.



    Marika Haustein


    German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

    Markus Kirchschlager

    Markus Kirchschlager

    Doctoral Researcher

    T. +49 40 42825-526[email protected]


    Infografik | 09.2023

    How to deal with Non-state Armed Actors

    Dealing with NSAAs is complicated and complex shifting between repression and dialogue. NSAAs are highly flexibkle and able to adapt to changing local and global contexts. Policies must be comprehensive and include local communities as well as structural drivers of violence.

    Yannick Deepen

    Ehemals GIGA-Teammitglied


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