Chao Li / Jochem Marotzke / Dirk Notz / Christiane Fröhlich

Polar Ice Sheets: On the Verge of Tipping

Kapitel in Sammelband | 2023

  • Abstract

    This chapter first describes the physical processes that govern the evolution of the polar ice sheets. Then the section briefly assesses whether the future evolution of the ice sheets would enable or constrain reaching the Paris Agreement temperature goals, followed by an assessment of how failing to reach the Paris Agreement goals would influence the future evolution of the ice sheets. The section ends with connecting the evolution of the ice sheets to other physical and social processes and assessing the plausibility of drastic change being triggered within the 21st century.


    Erschienen in

    Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2023


    Anita Engels

    Jochem Marotzke

    Eduardo Gonçalves Gresse

    Andrés López-Rivera

    Anna Pagnone

    Jan Wilkens


    CLICCS Cluster of Excellence





    Dr. Chao Li

    Dr. Chao Li

    Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie

    Prof. Dr. Jochem Marotzke

    Prof. Dr. Jochem Marotzke

    Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie


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