Jasmin Lorch / Monika Onken / Janjira Sombatpoonsiri

Do COVID-related Legal Measures Shrink Civic Space?

Infografik | 2022

  • Infographic that shows, how COVID-related measures changed civic spaces: There were over 9000 COVID-related protests and and welfare delivery activism around the world.
    © GIGA / Anne Regier 2022


    How COVID-related measures have changed the civil society space is illustrated in this infographic. The trend analysis was produced as part of the project "Context Matters - Country-Specific Politico-Economic Analyses, Conflict and Crisis Potentials, as well as Global and Regional Trends", funded by BMZ.


    Anne Regier


    German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

    Dr. Jasmin Lorch

    Dr. Jasmin Lorch

    Ehemals Associate

    Voluntas | 04.2022

    COVID-19 and Civil Society in Southeast Asia: Beyond Shrinking Civic Space

    Dr. Jasmin Lorch

    Ehemals Associate


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