Kurz notiert | 22.10.2021

News aus dem GIGA Doktorandenprogramm

Erfahren Sie mehr über die Aktivitäten unserer Doktorand:innen im vergangenen Monat.

  • Three of our Doctoral Researchers submitted their dissertations:

    • Jessica Gomes submitted her dissertation titled "The formation of National Role Conceptions in regional institutions: the case of Brazil in MERCOSUR and Germany in the EU" at University of Hamburg and Université libre de Bruxelles.

    • Isabel Rosales submitted her dissertation titled "States Beyond Borders: A Comparative Study of Central American Sending States and their Emigrant Policy" at University of Hamburg.

    • Viviana Garcia Pinzon submitted her dissertation titled “Local order, violence, and trajectories of governance in peripheral cities in Colombia and El Salvador” at University of Marburg.


    Hannes Greve wrote a GIGA Focus titled „Joe Biden and a New Era of Multilateralism”. The text is available in English and German.

    Hager Ali wrote two blog articles on “The Loop - ECPR's Political Science Blog”: “Tunisia’s Democracy is under Challenge, but not under Threat” and “Holding elections in Libya is not a solution to the country's deep-seated problems”.

    Swantje Schirmer attended the panel „International Organizations of the Global South: The Quest for Legitimacy” at the ECPR General Conference.

    Asma Khalifa briefed the United Nations Security Council on the current situation in Libya at its meeting on 10 September 2021. She explained that Libyans are yearning for political stability and, to that end, looking with hope towards the December elections. You can find Asma’s contribution here. Tevin Tafese co-authored a GIGA Focus titled “Development Cooperation Policy with Africa: Dare for More Coherence“. The article is available in English and German.

    Rafael Castro Alegría participated in the Ninth Doctoral School on Latin American, European and Comparative Regionalism organized by the Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies of the United Nations University (UNU-CRIS) and the Simón Bolívar University, which took place between the 20-24 September 2021.


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