Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs Vol. 42, No. 1 (2023)
Original Articles
Jamie D. Stacey: Contesting the ‘Promotion’ and ‘Protection’ of Human Rights: A Critical Understanding of the ASEAN–EU Relationship through Representational Force Abstract | PDF
Hidetaka Yoshimatsu: ASEAN and Great Power Rivalry in Regionalism: From East Asia to the Indo-Pacific Abstract | PDF
Truston Jianheng Yu, Enze Han: Indonesia's Relations With China in the Age of COVID-19 Abstract | PDF
Michael Henry Ll. Yusingco, Ronald U. Mendoza, Gabrielle Ann S. Mendoza, Jurel Yap: A Philippine Strongman's Legislative and Constitutional Reforms Legacy Abstract | PDF
Khin Thazin, Stephen Campbell: How Deteriorating Conditions in Myanmar Affect Migrant Domestic Workers in Singapore: A Transnational Analysis of Migrant Labour Regulation Abstract | PDF
Muhammad Syukri: Gender Policies of the new Developmental State: The Case of Indonesian new Participatory Village Governance Abstract | PDF
Book Reviews
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