GIGA Journal Family | 18.03.2019

Neues Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 1/2018

Diese Ausgabe des GIGA Journal of Current Chinese Affairs enthält Analysen so vielfältiger Themen wie die Darstellung von Good Governance in Geschichtsbüchern, Umweltdebatten oder politische Blogger in Hong Kong und viele mehr.

Journal of Current Chinese Affairs Vol. 47, No. 1 (2018)

Research Articles

  • Phoebe Mengxiao Tang: “Project Battle” or “Policy War”?: Protest, Advocacy, and the Outcomes of Environmental Contention in China Abstract | PDF

  • Robert Weatherley, Coirle Magee: Using the Past to Legitimise the Present: The Portrayal of Good Governance in Chinese History Textbooks Abstract | PDF

  • Tabitha Knight: Sex-Disaggregated Employment and Public Spending in China Abstract | PDF

  • Ilker Gündogan, Albrecht Sonntag: Chinese Football in the Era of Xi Jinping: What do Supporters Think? Abstract | PDF


  • Waikeung Tam: Political Participation by Political Bloggers in Hong Kong: A Case Study of the 2014 Umbrella Movement Abstract | PDF

  • Min Zhou: How Elite Chinese Students View Other Countries: Findings from a Survey in Three Top Beijing Universities Abstract | PDF

Please note: From issue no. 1/2019 on, we will publish the Journal of Current Chinese Affairs in collaboration with SAGE Publishing (see our press release of 27 February 2019). This news item refers to issue no. 1/2018, recently published with Hamburg University Press and also available on SAGE’s website.


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