Publikation | 25.03.2015

Die Macht der Machtlosen

Die Politik der Armut in den Doha-Verhandlungen der WTO - eine aktuelle Analyse von Amrita Narlikar in Foreign Affairs.

© Reuters/Denis Balibouse

The Doha Development Agenda of the WTO has run into repeated deadlock since it began in November 2001. Its goal is to encourage international trade by lowering tariffs and trade barriers, and prioritise the concerns of developing countries. One way to understand the long and dreary stalemates that have gripped the WTO is as a paradoxical effect of the power of the poor.

The Doha negotiations reveal qualitatively different and new ways in which developing countries can use their inherent weakness - poverty - as a bargaining advantage. But the Doha talks have also revealed how rich countries have since misappropriated this advantage for their own benefit. Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar provides an analysis in her new article in Foreign Affairs online.

To the article in Foreign Affairs


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