Call | 23.01.2022

Democracy and Games: Training for Trainers

We are happy to invite civic educators, youth workers, and young people living in Germany and interested in learning how to use our brand-new DEMOGAMES to design and implement educational processes around democracy.

  • 30 March–4 April 2022, Timisoara (Romania)

    The Project DEMOGAMES

    The project “Democracy and Games: Analog and Digital Game-Based-Learning Tools for Youth Work” (DEMOGAMES) develops educational games, methods and materials for democracy education in non formal youth work. The project is based on the didactic, educational approach of game-based learning and applies it to teaching young citizens about, through and for democracy. One of the main project outputs is the Democracy Game Box with six analogue and two digital educational games.

    Training for trainers

    The training for trainers is an offer to experience game-based learning and reflect on it, to reflect on various concepts of democracy and search for the common ground, and to learn how to use games in general and in particular the games of the Democracy Game Box to educate youth about, through and for democracy. It is suited both for experienced facilitators as well as for people who wish to start training others. The training for trainers is conducted by a team of facilitators and co-authors of the games in the Democracy Game Box with an interdisciplinary background and experience both in facilitating, training of trainers, and designing educational processes.

    What you will learn:

    Participants will get hands-on experience with the Democracy Game Box and learn how to use these games for educational purposes in their own settings. To this end, you will learn by experiencing games on democracy and experiential education settings;

    • learn about competences for a democratic culture;

    • learn about democracy and through democratic processes and approaches;

    • learn by designing and facilitating game-based educational sessions yourself;

    • learn by intercultural exchange with peers from different European countries.

    Participants Profile

    The activity involves participants from different countries. The GIGA is recruiting participants with the following profile:

    • Residence in Germany

    • Be interested in facilitating educational processes about democracy using educational games (with or without previous experience)

    • Basic knowledge of English (at least level B1)

    Travel and Accommodation

    You should travel to Timisoara (Romania) on March 30th and leave on April 4th. The program will take place from March 31th to April 3th. Meals and accommodation (single or double rooms) will be fully covered by the organizers. Traveling expenses will be reimbursed by the sending organization up to a maximum amount of 275 Euro upon presentation of the travel documents and boarding pass (physical copies where possible) after the event. Please note our Covid-19 Disclaimer and book your travel with a cancellation option. We cannot reimburse travel costs if you did not actually travel.

    Application Procedure

    Please fill in the online form by February 7th, 2022 (23:55 CET). Please indicate the GIGA as sending organization. Successful applicants will be informed by February 21th.

    COVID 19 Disclaimer

    The organizers are aware of and monitoring the developments around the COVID 19 pandemic closely. The Training-of-trainers event is planned as an in-presence event. Please do not apply if, given the current challenging circumstances, you do not wish to travel to Timisoara. Participants must be in possession of a valid EU Covid-certificate based on vaccination. The organizers strongly recommend participants to get a booster vaccination before travelling. Participants are invited to monitor the legal travel requirements of their country of departure and Romania. The organizers closely monitor the evolvement of travel rules and provide assistance. The organizers will provide for the necessary safety measures (e.g., individual protection and physical distancing). Selected participants will be informed about the safety measures, both for travelling and the event in Timisoara, and about the contingency plan, in case evolvement of the pandemic impedes realization of the event and/or the presence of single participants.

    More information

    For more information on the inviting organization and the project, please consult the webpage of the research project DEMOGAMES.

    In case of questions, please contact Saskia Ruth-Lovell,

    Forschungsprojekt | 01.09.2019 - 31.08.2022

    Democracy and Games: Analog and Digital Game-Based-Learning Tools for Youth Work (DEMOGAMES)

    DEMOGAMES is a Youth in Action project within the Erasmus+ framework. Through the development of several analogue and digital games, the project will advance knowledge transfer in the field of democracy education. Democracy education enables young people to recognize and represent their interests, to participate in political processes and, in doing so, to meet their fellow human beings and their concerns with respect. The project addresses these issues and uses the didactic approach of game-based learning to engage young citizens with respect to learning about, through and for democracy.
    EC, Erasmus+, 2019-2022


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