Dr. Lea Müller-Funk


Dr. Lea Müller-Funk

  • Kurzer Lebenslauf

    • Seit 01/2022: Senior Researcher am Department für Migration und Globalisierung der Donau-Universität Krems und assoziierte Wissenschaftlerin am GIGA Institute of Middle East Studies

    • 9/2019 - 12/2021: Research Fellow am GIGA Institut für Nahost-Studien

    • 2017 - 2019: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow am Institut für Soziologie, Universität Amsterdam

    • 2016 - 2017: OxPo Postdoctoral Fellow am Department of Politics and International Relations, Universität Oxford

    • 2011 - 2017: Lektorin (2015-2017) | Universitätsassistentin und Promotionsstipendiatin (2011-2016) am Institut für Orientalistik, Universität Wien

    • 2012 - 2016: Doktorandin am Centre de Recherches Internationales (CERI), Sciences Po Paris

    • Studium: 2011-2016: Doktorat in Politikwissenschaft und Arabistik (cotutelle de these) (Sciences Po Paris & Universität Wien) Dissertation “Transnational Politics Beyond the Arab Uprisings. Egyptian Activism in Vienna and Paris” (2016 Award of Excellence, Österreichischer Staatspreis für die besten Dissertationen); 2009-2010: M.A. in Vergleichender Politikwissenschaft (Spezialisierung Naher Osten und Muslimische Welt) Sciences Po Paris; 2005-2010: Magister in Arabistik und Islamwissenschaft, Universität Wien; 2007-2008: Erasmus-Austausch am Institut National des Langues et Cultures Orientales (INALCO), Paris; 2006-2009: B.A. in Politikwissenschaft, Universität Wien

    Aktuelle Forschung

    • (Im)Mobilität im Kontext von Konflikten und Kriegen

    • Auslöser von (erzwungener) Migration

    • Migrationspolitik

    • Diasporapolitik und transnationale politische Partizipation

    Länder und Regionen

    • Nordafrika

    • Naher Osten

    • Europa



    • Auszeichnung für GIGA-Forscherinnen: Dr. Christiane Fröhlich und Dr. Lea Müller-Funk gewinnen Routledge Area Studies Interdisciplinarity Award, Routledge Publishing Ltd., Taylor and Francis Publishing Group, 2023
    • IMISCOE Rinus Penninx Best Paper Award 2019, International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion (IMISCOE), 2020
    • Migration Politics Fellowship 2021, International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion (IMISCOE), 2020
    • Award of Excellence, Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (BMWFW), 2016

    Dr. Lea Müller-Funk


    [email protected]

    Externalizing Asylum: A Compendium of Scientific Knowledge | 08.2024

    Externalising Perceived Crises: A View from Europe’s Southern and Eastern Neighbours

    European discourses on migration have historically been dominated by a crisis narrative, often centred around the influx of non-EU migrants. This Eurocentric perspective has led to policies focusing on externalising border control through agreements with neighbouring non-EU countries, such as the EU-Turkey Deal in 2016 and proposed ‘disembarkation platforms’ in North Africa in 2018.

    International Migration Review | 06.2023

    Disentangling Forced Migration Governance: Actors and Drivers along the Displacement Continuum

    In this paper, we study the question of who and what drives forced migration governance in origin, host, and transit states, drawing on empirical material from the contemporary Syrian and Libyan, and the historical Algerian displacement situations.

    Migration Politics | 03.2023

    Mobility Control as State-Making in Civil War: Forcing Exit, Selective Return and Strategic Laissez-Faire

    This paper by Dr. Christiane Fröhlich and Dr. Lea Müller-Funk addresses the question of how different actors govern mobility during civil war, and how mobility control and processes of state-making interact in such settings.

    Infografik | 2023

    (Im)Mobility Trajectories in Conflict Settings

    This infographic illustrates the (im)mobility trajectories in conflict settings, specifically focusing on Syria. It highlights various regions and the displacement patterns within these conflict zones. Key areas depicted include Idlib, Aleppo, Damascus, and surrounding regions.

    Infografik | 2023

    Forced Migration Governance from a Comparative Perspective

    This infographic titled "Forced Migration Governance from a Comparative Perspective" compares the governance approaches to three different cases of forced displacement: Algerian Displacement (1956-1962), Syrian Displacement (2011–Present) and Libyan Displacement (2011–Present).

    Forschungsprojekt | 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2022

    Teaching Immigration in European Schools

    Migration has always been an intrinsic part of human societies across the globe. People have been mobile to lead a nomadic life, to explore the planet, to flee persecution and violence, to find work, or to pursue education. Yet, migration is often dealt with as a side-topic in school curricula. This stands in stark contrast to its omnipresence in public debates. This project brings academic knowledge of migration to European classrooms to convey a more comprehensive understanding of migration and hereby foster students’ critical thinking.
    National Geographic, 2020-2022

    Forschungsprojekt | 01.11.2018 - 30.04.2023

    Migration Governance and Asylum Crises, Work Package "Comparing Crises" (MAGYC)

    This project explores how European migration policies are influenced by political crises triggered by (forced) migration. At a time when such policies are heavily contested across European member-states, and when asylum seems more threatened than ever, this project is critically important to improve our understanding of how migration policies are formulated and shaped by a context of crisis. The project gathers 13 partners from diverse European countries, as well as from Lebanon and Turkey, and GIGA leads the Work Package “Comparing Crises”.
    EC, Horizon 2020, 2018-2023

    Open Democracy | Kommentar / Gastbeitrag | 06.07.2020

    The refugees who dare to aspire

    Kommentar / Gastbeitrag | 01.09.2017

    Kein Ende in Sicht: Libanesische Flüchtlingspolitik im sechsten Jahr des syrischen Bürgerkriegs

    Sonstiges | 15.07.2021

    Migration policies in Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Niger

    Migration Policies in Libya, Morocco, Tunisia and Niger, Online Event Dr. Lea Müller-Funk (Vortragende:r), Ass. Prof. Dr. Kathatrina Natter (Vortragende:r)

    Ass. Prof. Dr. Kathatrina Natter

    International Migration Institute

    Konferenz | 07.07.2021 - 09.07.2021

    18th IMISCOE Annual Conference

    18th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Online Event Organisation: International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Dr. Lea Müller-Funk (Moderator:in), Dr. Christiane Fröhlich (Organisator:in)

    Co-organisation of panel "Governing Migration" Session #227 workshop | SC Migration Politics and Governance

    Konferenz | 07.07.2021 - 09.07.2021

    18th IMISCOE Annual Conference

    18th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Online Event Organisation: International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Dr. Lea Müller-Funk (Organisator:in), Ass. Prof. Dr. Aysen Üstübici (Organisator:in), Dr. Milena Belloni (Organisator:in)

    Co-organiser of panel Changing Aspirations in Contexts of Forced Migration
    Session #125 workshop | SC Reflexive Migration Studies

    Ass. Prof. Dr. Aysen Üstübici

    Dr. Milena Belloni

    Lehre | Universiteit van Amsterdam | 2019

    Dynamics of International Migration and Migrant Integration

    Universiteit van Amsterdam Amsterdam Niederlande


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