Valeria Morales


Valeria Morales

  • Kurzer Lebenslauf

    • Since 01/2022: Doctoral Researcher at the GIGA Institute for Latin America Studies and in the project "German-Latin American Centre of Infection & Epidemiology Research and Training"

    • Researcher at the Center for Research and Political Studies (CIEP UCR)

    • Professor in the Integrated Humanities Course, Chair of Cultural History, University of Costa Rica

    • Professor in the Course of History of the Culture and History of Costa Rica, Chair of History, State University at a Distance

    • Education: PhD candidate in Government and Public Policies; M.A. in History; B.A. in History

    Aktuelle Forschung

    • The Politics of COVID-19 Vaccination in Central America

    Länder und Regionen

    • Latin America


    • Shock y política pública: determinantes político-institucionales de la vacunación contra COVID-19 en Centroamérica

    Valeria Morales


    Forschungsprojekt | 01.05.2021 - 31.12.2025

    German-Latin American Centre of Infection & Epidemiology Research and Training (GLACIER)

    The COVID-19 pandemic is showing that infectious diseases can only be solved by global efforts; and that medical and social approaches must go hand in hand in order to provide solutions. Based on this understanding, the GIGA has become part of the new multi-disciplinary „German-Latin American Centre of Infection & Epidemiology Research and Training“ – GLACIER and will work on a comparative study of vaccination policies in Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean. DAAD, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office, 2021-2025


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