Dr. Sabine Mokry


Dr. Sabine Mokry

  • Kurzer Lebenslauf

    • since 04/2024: Associate at the GIGA Institute of Asian Studies
    • 2023-present: Columbia-Harvard China and the World Program Postdoctoral Fellow, Columbia University, School for International and Public Affairs (SIPA), New York City
    • 2019-2023 : Visiting Fellow, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg

    Aktuelle Forschung

    • Chinesische Außenpolitik

    • Autoritarismusforschung

    • Methoden der Textanalyse

    Länder und Regionen


    Dr. Sabine Mokry


    [email protected]

    Global Policy | 2024

    Competing Ambitions Regarding the Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence: China, the US, and the EU

    Amidst current geopolitical tensions, the global regulation of AI has become an instrument of global power ambitions. This article traces the respective ambitions on the global governance of AI technologies by China, the US and the EU.


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