Janaina Maldonado Guerrada Cunha

Doctoral Researcher

Janaina Maldonado Guerrada Cunha

  • Kurzer Lebenslauf

    • Since 01/2021: Doctoral Researcher at the GIGA Institute for Latin American Studies and PhD Candidate at the Universität Hamburg in the LFF Programme “Democratising security in turbulent times”

    • 2018 - 2020: Master's student with a thesis developed at the Graduate Program at the University of São Carlos and at the Danish Institute for International Studies

    • 2015 - 2019: Junior Researcher in two projects: “In the Margins of the City” and “The regulation of (i) legal markets in São Paulo: mechanisms of reproduction of inequality and violence” both supervised by Prof. Gabriel de Santis Feltran

    • 2016 - 2018: Coordination assistant at the Center of Human Rights São Carlos at the project "Tackling Violence in Latin America" with British Council, CEBRAP and others Centers of Human Rights

    • Education: M.A. in Urban Sociology/Anthropology (sandwich scholarship), Danish Institute for International Studies; M.A. Urban Sociology, Federal University of São Carlos; B.A. Social Sciences, Federal University of São Carlos

    Aktuelle Forschung

    • Justiz

    • Sicherheit

    • Gemeinschaftsbildung

    Länder und Regionen

    • Lateinamerika

    • Brasilien



    • Signal City


    • IJURR Writing Up Grant, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Foundation (IJURR Foundation), 2024

    Janaina Maldonado Guerrada Cunha

    Doctoral Researcher

    [email protected]

    Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis | 02.2024

    The Law of God, the Law of the State and the Law of Crime: an Anthropological Account of the Consolidation of Multiple Normative Regimes in Brazilian Urban Margins

    Based on ethnographic fieldwork in Brazilian urban peripheries, this article proposes a theoretical reflection on normative multiplicities and their relations to the dynamics of violence in contexts of sharp conflict.

    Blogbeitrag | 04.2023

    The Automotive Recycling Market in São Paulo, Brazil

    Since 2003, with the progressive increase of car theft rates, the regulation of car recycling has become a public issue. As the main destination for stolen cars, car recycling is a historically stigmatised activity in Brazil. In this short article, we analyse the different aspects of regulating an illegal market through law enforcement.

    Tempo Social | 2023

    Lei do Desmanche, PCC e Mercados

    No estado de São Paulo, as notificações de roubos e furtos de veículos cresceram entre 2003 e 2014. Desde então, esse tipo de crime tem diminuído. O que explicaria essa oscilação?

    Insight Crime | Zitat | 11.06.2024

    Chop Shops Make a Comeback in São Paulo

    Vehicle theft is back on the rise in São Paulo following years of decline, as criminal groups exploit supply chain issues to revive a withering black market.

    Workshop | 25.11.2024 - 27.11.2024

    Sin Miedo: Autonomous Securities Across the Global South

    Sin Miedo: Autonomous Securities Across the Global South, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City Organisation: Security in Context Network Janaina Maldonado Guerrada Cunha (Organisator:in)

    This workshop aimed to bring together leading scholars and practitioners to engage in a dynamic exchange of ideas, experiences, and research on practices that respond creatively to the precarisation of life, and that challenge traditional paradigms of security. Our goal is to foster a collaborative environment where alter-securities across the Global South can be discussed and strengthened.

    Workshop | 08.07.2024 - 12.07.2024

    The Summer School on Illicit Trade

    The Summer School on Illicit Trade, University of Warsaw, Warsaw Janaina Maldonado Guerrada Cunha (Panelbeitragende:r)

    The Summer School is designed for students in their final year of undergraduate studies, master’s students, and PhD students in Law, Political Science, International Relations, Economics, Social Sciences, or other relevant disciplines, who are interested in learning more about illicit trade. It is also designed for professionals working in governmental institutions, local authorities, or international and non-governmental organizations, who are seeking to deepen their understanding of current illicit trade issues.

    Danish Institute for International Studies | 14.12.2023

    Brown bag lunch with Janaina Maldonado - From street banners to security cameras: the materiality of Brazilian urban governance

    Organisation: Danish Institute for International Studies Janaina Maldonado Guerrada Cunha (Vortragende:r)

    Latin American cities are known for their plural governance - by the state, criminal groups and religious groups. This plural governance has been extensively studied in terms of legitimacy, violence and reciprocity. But what can we learn from observing the materiality - street banners, security cameras, barricades or real-time maps - produced by these actors and their respective regimes of power? Based on ethnography in São Paulo since 2019, this presentation aims to discuss the work of materiality (objects, devices and infrastructures) in the governance of urban territories. Among the consequences of using objects to understand these orders is the emergence of a new actor: private security. Taking the public problem of mobile-phone theft in São Paulo as a starting point, I explore the objects that both private security and criminal actors put in place to respond to the 'outcomes' of the conflict.


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