Prof. Dr. Renate Hartwig


 Prof. Dr. Renate Hartwig

  • Kurzer Lebenslauf

    • Seit 08/2019: Juniorprofessorin für Entwicklungsökonomik an der Universität Göttingen und Research Fellow am GIGA Institut für Afrika-Studien

    • 01/2016 - 7/2019: Chargé de Recherche, Universität Namur (B)

    • Studium: PhD in Entwicklungsökonomie, Erasmus Universität Rotterdam (NL); MA in Entwicklungökonomie, Erasmus Universität Rotterdam (NL)

    Aktuelle Forschung

    • Familienökonomie, soziale Normen und Ehe
    • Fertilität und Religion
    • Gesundheit und Religion
    • Politische Vertretung, öffentliche Politik und Gender

    Länder und Regionen

    • Burkina Faso, Benin, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Rwanda, Uganda, Malawi

    • Indonesia

    Prof. Dr. Renate Hartwig


    Health Economics (United Kingdom) | 07.2022

    All Eyes on the Price: An Assessment of the Willingness-to-Pay for Eyeglasses in rural Burkina Faso

    Vision impairment is the most common disability worldwide. Yet, eyehealth remains an neglected aspect in many public health systems. In this article we assess the willingness-to-pay for eyeglasses in a resource-poor rural setting and give directions for policy and further research.

    Prof. Dr. Michael Grimm

    Universität Passau

    GIGA Focus Afrika | 3/2021

    COVID als Vertrauensfrage für Regierungen in Subsahara-Afrika

    Viele Länder in Subsahara-Afrika scheinen die Corona-Virus-Krise bisher relativ gut überstanden zu haben, doch Impfstoff-Zögerlichkeit und drohende Rezessionen fordern die Länder weiterhin heraus. Die Autorinnen analysieren, wie sich die Pandemie auf das Vertrauen in das Krisenmanagement der Regierungen auswirkt.

    Forschungsprojekt | 01.10.2021 - 15.04.2022

    Investigating Supply & Demand Side Factors of a Massive Covid-19 Vaccination Drive: Experimental Evidence from Indonesia

    Indonesia is fighting one of the worst coronavirus outbreaks in Asia. On January 13, 2021, the country started one of the world’s biggest COVID-19 vaccination drives. The plan is to inoculate 181.5 million people – two third of the population – in 15 months using primarily the CoronaVac from China’s Sinovac Biotech. The vaccination campaign is ambitious and its success hinges on a number of supply and demand side factors which are subject to investigation in this project.
    DFG, 2021-2022

    Forschungsprojekt | 01.04.2021 - 31.03.2025

    INFECTIONS in an Urbanizing World - Humans, Animals, Environments

    The Leibniz Research Alliance INFECTIONS promotes interdisciplinary research across several sections of the Leibniz Association. It focuses on the spread of antimicrobial resistant (AMR) microbes in an urbanizing society. This is a topical issue since a number of endemic infectious diseases are the leading cause of disease and mortality worldwide. In addition, humanity is increasingly challenged by emerging infectious agents that are often zoonotic in nature, such as the coronavirus outbreak.
    Leibniz Association, 2021-2025

    Konferenz | 30.06.2023

    Doing Business in Africa - Spotlighting Opportunities in the World's next Big Market

    Responsible Innovation Summit, University of Göttingen, Göttingen Organisation: Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Tevin Tafese (Panelbeitragende:r), Prof. Dr. Renate Hartwig (Chair)

    Presentation and participation in panel discussion on "Doing Business in Africa - Spotlighting Opportunities in the World's next Big Market"


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