Indi-Carolina Kryg

Doctoral Researcher | Representative of Doctoral Researchers

Indi-Carolina Kryg

  • Short CV

    • Since 10/2020: Doctoral Researcher at the GIGA Institute for Latin American Studies and member of the GIGA Doctoral Programme

    • 2019-2022: Personal Assistant to the GIGA President

    • 2018-2019: Student Assistant in DFG-Project “Security Sector Reform and the Stability of Post-War Peace“ at the GIGA (ILAS)

    • July 2017, June-July 2022: Guest scientist as “Estudiante Huésped” at the CIESAS-Noreste Mexico

    • 2015-2017: Student Assistant in DFG-Project “Ethnic Voting in Latin America” at the GIGA (ILAS)

    • Education: M.A. in Political Science (Comparative and Regional Studies), B.A. in Political Science, University of Hamburg

    Current Research

    • Migration and Refugee Studies

    • Critical Citizenship Studies

    • Border Regimes

    • Political Agency

    • Civil Society Organisations

    Countries and Regions

    • Latin America

    • Central America

    • Mexico


    • Latin American Studies Association, Membership in region-specific association or network, since 2022
    • Section "Migraciones, Desplazamientos y Movilidades Section", LASA, Membership of committee, section or working group, since 2022
    • German Association for Latin American Studies, Membership in region-specific association or network, since 2018
    • Nachwuchsgruppe der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsche Lateinamerikaforschung, Indi Kryg is part of the spokespeople team for the Junior Research Group of ADLAF since 2016., 2016 - 2022


    • The Political Agency of Migrants in the South-South Migration: Non-governmental Organisations and the Political Participation of Latin American Immigrants in Mexico

    Indi-Carolina Kryg

    Doctoral Researcher / Representative of Doctoral Researchers

    Lateinamerika Nachrichten | Article | 15/11/2023

    Muro digital: Cómo el futuro de los migrantes en México depende de una aplicación estadounidense para smartphone

    En este artículo, analizamos cómo una aplicación estadounidense para teléfonos inteligentes está organizando el cruce legal de la frontera entre México y Estados Unidos e influyendo en el trabajo de los albergues mexicanos para migrantes. (Disponible en español y alemán)

    GIGA Focus Latin America | 3/2024

    Mexico: Sheinbaum to Face Militarisation and Human Rights Concerns

    Mexico is experiencing militarisation with increased violence and persistent human rights violations. While civil society actors are demanding an end to this policy, President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum secured victory by pledging continuity to the outgoing López Obrador Presidency.

    Deutsche Welle | Quote | 25/07/2024

    Migration in die USA: "Trump ist kein Panik-Faktor"

    This article discusses current US border and asylum policies and the potential impact of the US elections on migration to the US.

    Deutsche Welle | Quote | 26/03/2024

    Secuestros: un negocio “lucrativo y cotidiano” en México

    Although the number of kidnappings has decreased, this criminal practice of organized crime is still widespread in Mexico. DW talks to experts, including Indi Kryg, about this everyday phenomenon in the region.

    Leibniz-Magazin | Article | 27/02/2024

    Wald der Hoffnung und Verzweiflung

    The Darién Gap is one of the most dangerous forced migration routes in the world. In this article, Indi-Carolina Kryg writes about the experiences of refugees she met in migrant shelters in Mexico in 2023. It is about suffering, hope, and the need for safe migration routes.

    Conference | 24/05/2023 - 27/05/2023

    Immigrated People’s Challenging and Resisting Practices in Monterrey: Reconceptualizing Political Behavior

    Lasa 2023, Vancouver Organisers: Latin American Studies Association Indi-Carolina Kryg (Speaker)

    Paper presentation in the panel "People with Migration Experiences as Social and Political Agents in the Mexican Context".

    Conference | 24/05/2023 - 27/05/2023

    Lasa 2023

    Lasa 2023, Vancouver Organisers: Latin American Studies Association Indi-Carolina Kryg (Organiser, Chair)

    Indi Kryg with Nancy Rios-Contreras' support were the organizers and chairs of the session "People with Migration Experiences as Social and Political Agents in the Mexican Context." Speakers in this panel were Nancy Rios-Contreras, Jorge Morales
    Cardiel, Daniel Tacher, and Indi Kryg herself.

    Teaching | Universität Hamburg | 2020

    Migration und politische Agency in den Amerikas

    Universität Hamburg Hamburg Germany


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