Jan Klenke

Doctoral Researcher

Jan Klenke

  • Kurzer Lebenslauf

    • Seit 10/2018: Research Fellow / Doctoral Student am GIGA Institut für Asien-Studien und im GIGA Doktorandenprogramm

    • 02/2017 - 09/2018: Produktmanager bei der Allianz Versicherungs-AG

    • 09/2016 - 02/2017: Praktikant Produktentwicklung bei der Allianz Versicherungs-AG

    • Studium: M.A. of Science in Politikwissenschaften, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam; B.A. in Politikwissenschaften und Recht, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München

    Aktuelle Forschung

    • Aufstrebende Mächte

    • Internationale Klimapolitik

    Länder und Regionen

    • Brasilien

    • Indien

    • China


    • The Impact of Emerging Powers on International Climate Negotiations

    PS - Political Science and Politics | 04.2023

    Introducing ScrumAdemia: An Agile Guide for Doctoral Research

    Pursuing a PhD is an exigent endeavor entailing various psychological and organizational challenges. This article proposes our adaptation of the agile method Scrum, which we call “ScrumAdemia,” as a solution.

    Datensatz | 2022

    Replication data for Introducing ScrumAdemia: An Agile Guide for Doctoral Research

    Replication data for: Franco, Clara, Anna Fünfgeld, Viviana García Pinzón, Jan Klenke, Rebecca Lohmann, Désirée Reder, and Swantje Schirmer (2023), Introducing ScrumAdemia: An Agile Guide for Doctoral Research...


    Global Environmental Politics | 11.2022

    It’s a Performance, Not an Orchestra!: Rethinking Soft Coordination in Global Climate Governance

    Global climate governance is in transition. As the focus shifts from negotiations to implementation, the quest for ways to effectively coordinate ambitious climate action has become a key concern. While existing studies frame this problem mostly in terms of institutional design (to “facilitate” state ambition) and strategic delegation of authority (to “orchestrate” nonstate action), this article builds on dramaturgical policy analysis to examine soft coordination in practice. Using ethnographic methods, we analyze public performances at the twenty-fifth Conference of the Parties (COP25) in Madrid. We conclude that performances and dramaturgical interventions are important tools of soft coordination in global climate governance.

    Stefan Aykut

    Felix Schenuit

    Emilie d'Amico

    GAIA | 12.2021

    It’s not Enough to be Right!: The Climate Crisis, Power, and the Climate Movement

    Dr. Angela Pohlmann

    Kerstin Walz

    Stefan Aykut

    Sören Altstaedt

    Dr. Arwen Colell

    Prof. Dr. Udo Dietrich

    Hauke Feddersen

    Annabarbara Friedrich

    Franziska Krieger

    Felix Schenuit

    Alvine Datchoua-Tirvaudey

    Dr. Markus Schulz

    Jun.-Prof. Dr. Cathrin Zengerling

    GIGA Focus Global | 7/2021

    Anforderungen für eine erfolgreiche COP 26: Verpflichtung, Verantwortung, Vertrauen

    Die Agenda für die UN-Klimakonferenz sieht vor, die Verhandlungen zur Umsetzung des Pariser Abkommens abzuschließen und ambitioniertere Ziele zu vereinbaren. Die Autor:innen analysieren die Voraussetzungen für eine erfolgreiche COP 26 in Glasgow.

    Graduiertenakademie GradTUBS | 11.11.2021

    ScrumAdemia: How to organize your PhD using iterations and a team

    Organisation: Graduiertenakademie GradTUBS, Technische Universität Braunschweig Désirée Reder (Vortragende:r), Jan Klenke (Vortragende:r)

    Doctoral Researchers face various challenges including receiving
    training on research methods, regular supervision and feedback,
    and loneliness.
    While research institutions provide methods training, supervision
    depends on the individual PhD-advisors, and information on PhDorganization is often limited on introductory self-help guides.
    Experiences of loneliness due to the lack of working in a team can
    also lead to mental health issues. Additionally, the long-term
    prospect of a huge project such as a dissertation provides only few
    rewarding moments on the way. Thus, the struggles of day-to-day
    work organization are generally overlooked.
    Scrum provides a solution to some of these issues by introducing a
    team structure, regular meetings, and an iterative work style with
    short-term achievements. Originating from software development,
    Scrum needs to be adjusted to the very particular academic
    context. This is why we came up with: ScrumAdemia!

    GIGA Forum | 27.10.2021

    Letzte Chance für 1,5 Grad? Erwartungen an die UN-Klimakonferenz in Glasgow

    Letzte Chance für 1,5 Grad? Erwartungen an die UN-Klimakonferenz in Glasgow, Online event Organisation: German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Jan Klenke (Organisator:in, Panelbeitragende:r), Prof. Dr. Miriam Prys-Hansen (Organisator:in), Prof. Dr. Michael Brüggemann (Panelbeitragende:r), Prof. Dr. Heike Schroeder (Panelbeitragende:r), Eva Marsland (Panelbeitragende:r), Dr. Dietmar Molthagen (Moderator:in), Dr. David Kuehn (Organisator:in)

    Dieses GIGA Forum/GIGA Gespräch thematisiert die komplizierten Verhandlungen, die während der COP26 zu erwarten sind: Wer wird voraussichtlich in welchen Politikfeldern handeln? Welche Rolle spielt Vertrauen bei der Überwindung der verbleibenden Unterschiede? Welche Rolle kann die Zivilgesellschaft spielen, um die Verhandlungen zu erleichtern und der COP26 zum Erfolg zu verhelfen?

    Prof. Dr. Heike Schroeder

    Eva Marsland

    Dr. Dietmar Molthagen


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