Selman Almohamad / Markus A. Kirchschlager / Sabine Kurtenbach

Peacebuilding after War and Violence – Neighbourhood Matters

GIGA Working Papers | 2020

  • Abstract

    Sustainable Development Goal 16 on “peace, justice, and strong institutions” is widely considered a central pillar of sustainable development. Based on a comprehensive concept of peace that goes beyond the mere absence of war, it might also be the most difficult to realise. Debates in Peace and Conflict Studies have followed other Social Science debates in exiting the “national container,” namely by focusing on the interaction between global and subnational or local dynamics. However, the regional dimension is no longer acknowledged as an important intervening variable in peace and conflict dynamics. This article thus develops the concept of “regional peace formation,” arguing that the neigh-bourhood matters either as an enabling or hindering factor for peacebuilding. Based on empirical evidence from Latin America, the Middle East, and sub-Saharan Africa, we show the usefulness of this concept in explaining regional differences.



    GIGA Working Papers






    German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)



    Markus A. Kirchschlager

    Markus A. Kirchschlager

    Doctoral Researcher

    T. +49 40 42825-526[email protected]


    GIGA Working Papers | 11.2023

    Coping with Complexity: Dealing with Non-State Armed Actors

    In Kriegen oder bewaffneten Konflikten sowie in gewalttätigen Kontexten werfen nichtstaatliche bewaffnete Akteure ernsthafte Probleme für die Friedenskonsolidierung, die demokratische Staatsführung und die nachhaltige Entwicklung auf. Diese Trendanalyse bildet überregionale Entwicklungen ab.

    Yannick Deepen

    Ehemals GIGA-Teammitglied


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